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下一篇: 美孚力圖68液壓油 美孚抗磨液壓油68號 液壓油型號

  • 名稱: 德士古Rando wm 32液壓油
  • 類別: 液壓油 抗燃液壓油


德士古Rando wm 32液壓油


 德士古Rando wm 32液壓油是一個超高性能的??多級 液壓油在風力渦輪機系統和一個大的保護和性能是非常嚴酷的工作條件所需的其他應用程序的廣泛使用而設計的。 

Rando WM32 is an ultra high performance multigrade hydraulic fluid designed for use in wind turbine systems and a wide range of other applications where maximum protection and performance is required in very severe operating conditions.

德士古Rando wm 32液壓油該產品提供優異的低溫流動性和高VI,它提供了一個很寬的工作溫度窗口。Rando WM32 complies with the Swedish Standard SS 15 54 34.Rando WM32符合標準SS瑞典15 54 34。 

This product offers excellent low temperature fluidity and a high VI, which provides a very wide operating temperature window.


德士古Rando wm 32液壓油推薦用于 是建議使用在風力渦輪機和高壓液壓系統的所有類型的跨越很寬的環境和工作溫度范圍 ,它是適用于齒輪,葉片,徑向和軸向活塞泵系統 ,

Rando WM 32 is recommended for use in wind turbines and in all types of high pressure hydraulic systems across a very wide ambient and operating temperature rangeRando WM 32
It is suitable for systems with gear, vane, radial and axial piston pumps

德士古Rando wm 32液壓油產品優勢:
Optimum pumpability: 優化泵送性:低傾點,確保在低溫創業的佳泵送性 
Low pour point ensures optimum pumpability in low temperature start-ups

Increases uptime: 提高正常運行時間: 
Superior anti-wear performance and corrosion resistance increases uptime and reduces maintenance costs優異的抗磨損性能和抗腐蝕性能提高正常運行時間和降低維護成本 

Extends srevice life: 延長srevice生活: 
Thermal stability prevents oil degradation and deposit formation, extending oil service life and drain intervals熱穩定性,防止油退化和沉積物的形成,延長油的使用壽命和換油周期 

Cuts maintenance time: 切維護時間: 
Excellent filterability in the presence of water cuts maintenance time and saves money的過濾水的存在,減少維修時間,節省資金 

Maximum efficiency:高的效率: 
Shear stable VI-improver provides maximum efficiency at high operating temperatures and pressures第六剪切穩定的改良提供高的效率在高工作溫度和壓力 


德士古Rando wm 32液壓油性能 
ISO 6743/V HVISO 6743 / V高壓 
DIN 51524 Part3, HVLPDIN 51524第3部分,HVLP 

OEM Approvals OEM認證 
Vestas ERP 900055維斯塔斯的ERP 900055 
Vickers M-2950S, I-286維氏的M - 2950S,我- 286 
Swedish Standards 155434155434瑞典標準 

德士古Rando wm 32液壓油

ISO GradeISO等級 3232
Density at 15°C, kg/L密度在15 ° C,公斤/升 0.8910.891
Kinematic Viscosity cSt at 40°C運動粘度科委在40 ° C 3232
Kinematic Viscosity, cSt at 100°C運動粘度,CST在100 ° C 7.47.4
Viscosity Index粘度指數 211211
Flash Point COC, °C閃點COC,℃ 160160
Pour Point, °C傾點,° C -45-45
FZG Damaged Load, a/8.3/9OFZG損壞的負載,a/8.3/9O 1111
Hours to TAN 2.0 mg KOH/g, h小時譚2.0毫克KOH / G,H 2000+2000 +的
TAN,mg KOH/g譚,毫克KOH /克 0.450.45


下一篇: 美孚力圖68液壓油 美孚抗磨液壓油68號 液壓油型號


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